
By JulietLimaDelta

Up until this afternoon I had a series of caches round a local country park. Last week a cacher a tried to complete the series and couldn't find four of them. I found his DNF logs to be quite catty and took particular exceptio0n to one of them So, i cut my nose off the spite my face and archived the lot of them, even though 3 of the 4 he couldn't find were actually still there.

I'd been thinking about archiving the series for a while anyway and putting some fresh caches out so this just spurred me on to get round to doing the archiving. But I'm in no rush to put anymore out, in fact if someone else beats me to it then I won't lose any sleep over it.

As I walked round the park, it was quite dull and it rained on and off for the 90 minutes it took me to do the circuit. One of the banks I walked down was covered in buttercups and daisies so as it was the only splash of colour I saw, I took a quick snap on my phone.

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