Annual exhibition of Scottish Watercolourists

Visited the prestigious 143 annual exhibition of the Royal Scottish Watercolour Society exhibition in Edinburgh today.

This should have been a cultural treat. Instead, it turned out to be a frustrating experience.  
Not because of the work which was as you would expect of an high standard but the lack of titles, documentation and confused labelling system. With around 300 pieces of work to look at it was impossible to keep checking through 12 sheets of photocopy paper against the numbers on the wall.
Very few people even tried, instead they wandered from painting to painting barely spending more than a few seconds before a painting, if that.
I particularly wanted to see the work of several artists whom I know are exhibiting. Instead I only found one, Ann Wegmuller, ( see extra) .
However, there is a beautifully produced  glossy catalogue . 

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