Fun day!

No1 daughter had bought me a voucher for segway fun for my birthday last year and I had to use it before it expired so took no1 son & myself off to the Dragonstooth at Ballachulish for an afternoon of playing on a segway. I have to say I havn't laughed so much for a long time! My sense of balance left a lot to be desired while the son took to it like a duck to water, I was more like a duck OUT of water!
ITs easy once you get the hang of it, you lean forward to go forward and lean back to slow down or almost stop! Mind you at one point I was rolling down the hill backwards and my natural reaction was to lean back so I kept going down faster while no1 son split his sides laughing!
Finally got the hang of it and was let lose to roam around the place being minduful to doge the golf balls as its also a golf course and the sceanery was stunning too.
Brilliant fun would reccomend it to all
Happy blipping

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