Growing old disgracefully



How do snails do it?*

I've declared this Try to Love a Gastropod month, so this pair were not crushed under my boot, but went on a transatlantic trip over the wall into the graveyard. I just know they will come back - it's so much more lively on this side...sigh.

A blessed day of R&R; first I've had for a while. A trip to the bike shop, some catching up with correspondence, a long phone call with my son and heir, a bit of a potter round the garden, and then, since the Professor is out and it is Saturday evening after all, a fish supper and feet up.

* In response to a query below from friedaquilter, 'it's complicated', as they say on facebook. Most snails are hermaphrodites, but some get to live more exciting, heterosexual lives. Some do not need another snail to mate, but can mate with themselves satisfactorily (their eyesight is not so good, tho'). Some, like these here, have both male and female organs, but still need another snail to get their motors running. They can mate at any time of the year, and they often hang on to sperm in case it is in short supply later - I can understand that one.

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