The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Until Tomorrow

Dear O'H dear and The Mini Princesses,

Lovely Tea Jenny and Lil Dude are staying for their last night before heading back home. Murphy was utterly beside himself about his little friend being back and Lil Dude’s received many face licks. When Murphy went for his walk with The Prince, Lil Dude took out all the Dentastix in preparation for Murphy’s return and even taste tested one just to check it was up to standard!

We chatted, played with glasses (very entertaining if you’re 19 months old), had fish and chips* and ate minstrels. Despite our best efforts, Lil Dude managed to feed Murphy bits of fish through the leg holes in his high chair and Murphy happily ate the fish he was being fed!

I’m so glad we were together for their last night. Whenever I’m with LTJ, It’s always just like yesterday since we last caught up. Tomorrow will come around too quickly but I have this yesterday until the next time.


*Lil Dude tried chippy sauce and was unimpressed but I’ll work on that

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