Me and my rattle

Bit of a rant, really. I’m 5ft 7 , or 1.72 cm long and quite substantial in size. With rather scarce but very unruly curly reddish-blond hair. Not exactly invisible, I’d say. But today in the supermarket apparently nobody realised that I also was waiting in line to put the PET bottles in the recycling machine ( as if I would be waiting next to the meat with my trolley just for the fun of it … ) and after that I had to wait minutes long  before there was enough space in one of the isles to get through to the Coke Zero bottles ( ordered by son no 2) which one man was blocking with his trolley. When I reached the bottles he didn’t move an inch and when I carefully drove the trolley just around his he said: ‘you’ve just made it!’. Couldn’t help myself, said : yes, and if you had just moved a bit it would have been so much easier. What the hell is wrong with people, why is nobody paying attention to others anymore ? Maybe I should walk around with this rattle to tell people I’m there too. Rant over …

Thanks very much for the kind comments and stars for yesterday’s lilies ;-)

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