
By CleanSteve

At the SPT exhibition in Stroud Museum

Today's plans all had to be adapted for various reasons. My sister, Rosie arrived this morning as arranged, but couldn't stay as she had hurt herself a couple of days ago, in much the same way as I did a couple of months ago.

So we had lunch together before I went off to do my stint as a steward at the Stroud Preservation Trust 30th anniversary exhibition at the Museum in the Park. The weather was stormy and cool, with intermittent showers under the cloudy sky. Perhaps that was why there weren't many visitors to the exhibition or the Museum. I sat reading and then played with settings on my camera. During that time I took this picture in the windowless room.

Tonight I had a good chat with DailyKeith, and a couple of halves of Stroud Brewery's Budding ale at my local, and we talked a lot about photography. We are going to do a course together in Bristol in about two weeks time, which he had informed me about. I'm looking forward to it already.

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