Longariva Iceman

A breezy cold day, with the odd shower.  A poorer night, slightly heavier showers and more of a breeze. 

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  I've mostly been meeting and boarding flights, all on time and fairly quiet.  I managed to finish early.  Popped by Laura's on my way home, and friends too.  Time to get ready for the Scalloway Fire Festival (Up Helly Aa) tonight.  

After a few fine days, shame the SFF had a poorer day, but it's not dampened anyone's spirits.  John-Robert Umphray and his Jarl Squad have taken over the village and surrounding areas, visiting various locations.  They visit us in the Legion at midnight. Tonight has been the main procession, with a good turnout, even in the rain.  Now an evening at local halls for entertainment until the early hours of the morning, a good party to celebrate the return of the lighter nights.  This year they changed the usual galley head, this one hand carved.  The galley goes up in flames, let's hope they can save this beautiful craftsmanship.  Galley Longariva Iceman, Main Street, Scalloway.  

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