Soggy ending

It was supposed to be wet for most of the day but the rain only arrived when I was already in a supermarket getting the weekly shop done.

The volume of water delivered was impressive, and the noise the downpour made, deafening. Needless to say I joined the small group at the exit waiting for the worst to pass. The rainbow that followed was spectacular.

The most important part of the day was Arnie’s visit to the doc. His iron count is negligible which might account for some of his symptoms. On top of that he has a nasty fungal infection as a result of a different asthma inhaler, that has spread to his throat, which will account for his discomfort and lack of appetite.

So, more meds, and hopefully a gastroenterologist appointment next week to plan an ablation to fix the bleed in his esophagus that is the actual root cause of his malaise.

Fingers crossed both for a good outcome, and some sleep as neither of us have had restful nights of late.

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