Emergency Rose Blip

Quite a successful day if you include repairing a water leak dripping into the utility room in under an hour as a success.  I suppose it was but it shouldn’t have been leaking in the first place.  My entire fault for using an OLD fibre seal when I plumbed in the new toilet.  I have thrown out all it’s mates which is a bit sad as most of them had been together for about thirty years . . .
A successful run to both the charity shop (Cancer Research) AND the dump (re-cycling centre) in one go.  Actually getting to either of them is a success in my book.  If you add dropping into the chippy to get lunch on the way home I would say a very successful morning.
This afternoon a ‘man that can’ dropped by to take our old toilet away, and I managed (with the help of PCSpecialists) to get our neighbour’s email going.  We had to settle for on line as it turned out there is a bug in the new PC app. We were all on a learning curve!
Tonight I indicated that I was a bit tired getting tea ready and Mrs W offered to do Macaroni Cheese.  I call that a BIG success.
Anyway, after all that, and in desperation, I took a flash shot of our rose that I have been trying to kill for the past fifteen years which is insisting that the weather is not too bad.  It’s hanging in but it’ll get a shock when I prune back to ground level as I did last year . . .  !!
So very many thanks to Anni (aka BikerBear) for hosting FlowerFriday.

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