Going Underground!

As my sweet friend, Jane, and I were walking this morning, we came upon these huge reels of colorful stuff and I thought it might work well for today's Abstract Thursday challenge of "Crop".  After I got home, I discovered that I had lost my phone somewhere along the hike and bike trail, so I told my husband I was going to retrace my steps to look for it.  I set off immediately, never thinking that he might come with me, but he followed one of the two routes Jane and I usually take, choosing the one that had the most benches to sit on along the way because that is usually when my phone slips out of my pocket.  He caught up to me and kept calling my phone periodically and just as I was quite close to home, I heard his ringtone.  I had been doing a lot of praying as we searched and all the rest of the day I have been thanking God for the kind person who laid my phone next to an adopt-a-trail sign, so I could find it!  When we finally got home and I showed him my pictures, my husband identified the colorful reels as innerduct which is used for protecting buried communications cables and this was his favorite crop.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting......

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