Peace offering

I upset Calvin yesterday when I hauled him off to the kitchen wrapped in a towel. But when I saw a couple of Christmas stockings in the reduced rack in Tesco’s that were only 27 pence each, I thought that I would buy them. Calvin wouldn’t look at his, but Hobbs was interested!! 

A busy day starting with an attendance at the U3A coffee morning to register and pay our membership, then collecting my tablets from the dispensary, and doing the food shopping. Home to unload, then round to R & S’s to collect Olive for the afternoon. 

We had just returned from the afternoon walk and feeding session when there was a phone call from the opticians offering B an appointment at 5pm. We accepted it and quickly sorted ourselves out, dropped Olive at home and headed into town. 

It was the first appointment with this practice and we were very impressed with the standard of service. B’s sight has altered slightly, but more importantly there is no indication of any anomalies that would indicate disease. Just needs new specs. 

Dinner was late and I’ve posted this blip a day late. 

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