Place: Largo, FL 48/61
Main activity: Wed - errands, around the house
Notes: Up earlier than I have been, and decided to go for a jog. Weather nice, cool but not freezing. Then headed out ~ 840a for stop at UPS Store (2 AMZ returns) and then to the nearby bank branch. I closed one extra checking account I didn't need and some other detail stuff - was there about 35 min, somehow didn't think to take any pics at all. Talked to Ellen and Nancy in the morning, took a shower and made coffee and then got to work on the rest of the artist images I had left to edit and upload. Took several hours until I stopped around 130p to eat - made an egg w/ avocado and put on the last O'Doughs GF bagel and put the remaining tuna salad on spinach, had some celery w/ org valencia peanut butter and some small snacks to finish. Totally different day looking out the window at sunny blue skies vs the dark storm and wind yesterday ... gotta say, there was a lot of hype for not much of anything but a good thunderstorm! Quiet nothing night - passing the time, hate to see it get dark!

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