Suction Machine Demonstration

Yet another work party. The rusty old Bell Block is levelled up by wooden blocks and it has been noticed for some time that the whole place is beginning to tilt. An examination reveals much rotten wood amongst its supports. The first job then, for MP, our new "House Convener" who buys in some aggregate blocks and bizarrely hires a machine to lift them. It doesn’t work so we lift them by hand. It’s only at the end that AT properly scrutinises one of the blocks and we find them to be as crumbly as crumbly things. Hmmm.
Later, off to the dental hygienist, a sort of medieval torturer guy. A nice long bus ride there and back however, so I finally got round to starting to read MrT’s book, “What do I Know.” Most amusing and revealing. The life of an itinerant social researcher. 
And finally, the first boat club meeting of the new year on Zoom. At least I didn’t have to take the minutes. Though that might have kept me awake.

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