Different Pho{Ar}tography

This impressive lady, Siân Cann, gave a talk at our camera club.   I went along despite my natural disinclination to consider using Polaroid cameras, but I'm very glad that I did.  

Siân gave a very interesting, comprehensive, talk about her art, her photography and her time on Lundy Island as a warden.  Near the end she told us that after leaving Lundy she had a serious episode with her sight, caused by her Type 1 Diabetes; after several operations she is still blind in one eye with the vision in the other very bad (blurred).  Despite this visual difficulty she manages to continue with her art and has had several exhibitions.

She gave us a twenty-minute demonstration of how to lift the image from a Polaroid photo, keeping around forty people wholly rapt in the process.  There are several who will be researching Polaroid cameras as a result . . .

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