Help wanted.

While Mrs K toiled away on her computer for work, I drove to Sevenoaks wildfowl reserve. As I walked around two different lakes I was asked several times if I had seen any Redpolls. I admit, I didn’t know what a Redpoll was but I acted intelligently saying I hadn’t. I googled them on my phone so I would know next time I was asked. 
At one set of trees a man excitedly told me they were high in the trees and others stopped to photograph them. Google came into use again as I reviewed my images. 
This could be a young Redpoll but I am really not sure, so that’s where I need the help of someone in blip land. 
I thought the yellow bird in extras was a Goldcrest but now I’m not sure.

Please help so I don’t look stupid next time I go and chat to the bird watchers.

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