The readings

Sorry to keep on about my F.M.i.L and her funeral but after the coffin reception yesterday the funeral, and burial, was today.
I didn't think to take any photographs, only realised this evening that I didn't have a blip so I've done a screenshot of Julia reading the second reading.
I did the first reading but she makes such a better photo with her RAF uniform. I got through my reading but I've developed quite a cold and my voice caught a couple of times, a bit of the cold, but also a bit of emotion.
The priest, Fr Liam Slattery, gave a great recounting of his memories of her, and included what I told him about her last words to me!
The Church Services TV will have the funeral service on-line for a week.
St. Peter's Church, Gloucester - London Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (

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