
"Can I put up cards?"
Of course Ben, what could go wrong!
Then... four days later!

On his birthday last Saturday, Ben opened all his presents and cards and then asked, "Can I put my cards up?"  Usually I do it for him but of course I said yes, he spent some time placing them on the mantlepiece and honestly I mustn't have looked properly because last night we noticed there was not a single card facing forwards!  So yes he's put the cards up, big tick!  But maybe not how I was expecting.  I'll leave it his way for now :-)
Today has been manic, Mr KCNQ2Haiku was in Edinburgh so it was an alarm for 5:15am to drop him at the station; then sorting stuff for school and drop off; quick dog wee; child in need meeting for Ben on teams; made a curry; made Ben's after school snacks; emailed school nurse and respite providers; fielded some family calls; did some washing; walked the dog; bumped into the neighbours and then fetched Ben.  He'd had a trickier day but he was good in the car for me.  We came home to meet the carers who are still shadowing me, so they can't take Ben out on his own yet.  We went to a disability session at a gaming club and I was quite stressed as I felt like I was preparing for every eventuality.  He did well after an initial wobbly start and the carers are starting to make me feel more confident.  Home for tea; feed dog; pour wine.. that sort of thing!!

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