Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Breakfast with the Lions

Bill Clinton was in town yesterday - I should have popped down in the evening and got an A List paparazzi blip! But I forgot couldn't be bothered, so stuffed was I in the evening.

However, up and out fairly early today, with the promise of breakfast out. JR is a sucker for that invitation. Well, breakfast was by the by - there was the Lions match on the big screen! Though we did have a delicious bacon bap at half time.

We went into the pub, and it was busy. Huge screen, but all the tables taken, or booked. Walked through to the back, a big TV screen, all tables taken. But then - a man got up and left the table at the right at the front - I nearly knocked him over in my haste to claim it!

So there we were, two old biddies with the best seats in the pub, right in front of the screen, and one of them reading the paper... No, to be fair, JR took quite an interest, and declared we should go to the next two as well!

It was a great game, lots of running, not many of those silly scrums and a few terrific individual tries. Got to feel sorry for the poor Aussie kicker! They didn't deserve to lose.

Just a thought... if Scotland became independent, would it be the British and Irish and Scottish Lions? And considering that, as often as not, there isn't actually a Scotsman in the team, why would they call it that? Maybe we should rethink this independence thing, Alex...

I'm still debating about the bridge camera. It has many fine qualities, especially that versatile lens, but it's too big for a second camera - it's only marginally smaller than my SLR, and not quite good enough for a first camera (having had an SLR). I know I can return it within 28 days, so I'm trying to come to a final conclusion.

Mind you, I was pretty pleased with the shots it managed today when I stuck it in a hedge on the way home. I could hear little tweetings, and peered into the hedge to see the baby blackbird. The mum arrived, and told it to keep quiet, I think, because it just froze and didn't tweet again. It kindly sat still for me to fiddle around to get a good angle without too many branches and leaves in the way. Thankfully, only one person passed me, and quickened their step, while my head was in the hedge.

An afternoon of leisurely household chores beckons - they have sadly been neglected of late, and it has been noticed...

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