Late Afternoon glow

A very cold day today with a very Icey wind. While down the yard this afternoon late on I spotted a lovely glow in the sky so grabbed a quick shot on my mobile. So pleased I did as when I finished work it was even colder so didn't fancy go out in search of a blip .
Other news this afternoon I got to meet the new boss who will be coming to run  the depot in a few weeks time once the branch he is running is closed down and all the stock moved out this will probably be towards the end of February when he is with us full time but he will be getting involved  with some things straight away .

This evening I have been checking out renewals for my car insurance which is set to go up quite  a bit because of me been stupid last year and going to fast so not good news there for me. The car is also in  for it MOT tomorrow so fingers crossed that is better news 

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