
By MReid

Sarclet at Sunset

Today's stravaig took us to more local sites - Reiss Beach, Castle Sinclair Girnigoe, the Trinkie and Castle of Old Wick, and finally Sarclet.  By the time we left, the mist had risen, and I wasn't sure we'd see anything.  As it so happened, it only obscured the view at Reiss Beach, where nearly nothing could be seen to the north and only to the south if you knew what you were looking for.  The mist was very patchy and mobile, appearing and disappearing unpredictably.  
We ended the tour at Sarclet, one of DH's favourite places.  It was emotional for me, the last time I'd been was on the day of DH's cremation, when Storm Gerrit was blowing.  But today it was near sunset, with a beautiful pearly light and calm seas.

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