Final night

Awoke on The Island having had a good night’s sleep.  No issues in the bathroom this morning, although I decided not to turn on the electric shower and just use the bath instead so that I can let all the cabling dry out if any of it got damp. No news from the other flats, which I am taking to be good news.

I walked to the Pier and a very contrasting crossing to last night. Smooth and speedy. I could tell we were going to be on time so I bought my onward train journey ticket on the app while crossing The Solent. There’s a tight interchange of 8 minutes. Today, of course, I made that easily. 

Home, we’ve been having a debate about Twelfth Night. According to the Internet, Twelfth Night falls on January 5th or 6th, depending on different cultural customs. We feel like we’ve always used the 6th as our day to take down decorations and so, in spite of offering to help get it done this evening, we left the tree alone and, for one final time for this season, I asked Alexa to “turn off the Christmas lights”. When I get back tomorrow this view will be very different. 

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