Scapa Sunset

Went doon to Holm today and uplifted 131 stabs.  I’ll dry them and saw them up for next winter’s fuel.  I  got messages and then picked up CMC after her badminton in the Picky.   She noticed the late red sky so we went down to Scapa Beach to investigate.  There was a biped trying to  enact a Reginald Iolanthe Perrin tribute act.  On the way back to HQ we received a call on the car phone from Blanche.  She said she was ‘on speak’.  I could tell from the wild panting and intermittent grunting that she was, once again, back on her trapeze.  She explained that she has missed panto for four years and is determined to make a comeback.  But not in panto.  Her last appearance was as Widow Twanky’s husband in Aladdin.   It was a Glee Club production on St Kilda.  Bernard was Prompt though never on time.  My mother reported she dreamt of Dr Snoddie last night.
I  hope you are all maintaining your dignity.

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