Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Meet Jean Pierre

A few years ago while on holidays in Paris we visited a jumble sale and spotted poor little Jean Pierre who looked so forlorn with his arm missing that we simply couldn't leave him there. "How much?" we asked. "Two Euro", came back the reply. Fine we indicated, we will have him. No, No said the vendor, Two Euro for the entire box, which was full of all sorts of useless tat. I mean, spools of thread, packets of needles, bits of tinsel and stuff we couldn't even begin to identify. Gallic mysteries all.
Sorry we cannot take all this on our flight we indicated but you can have the two Euro for poor Jean Pierre. And so it was that wee J-P became part of our Christmas decorations.
There is always one thing left after all the stuff has been packed up and put away. We were sure that this year we had it cracked. Everything cleared up. 36 hours later I found J-P. On his skis and with only one arm I'm sure he has been going around in circles ever since before Christmas day. Time for bed J-P!

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