Wrong Cat

I took the old carrier bag out of the cellar, for the Munni-cat's vet visit. It's smaller and lighter than our other carrier box, and also a bit warmer. On this 0°C day with considerable wind chill, I didn't want our oldest cat to feel cold. So I cleaned the bag, put some old towels in, and left it on the sofa. 

Only, as it was time to leave for the vet, it was already full - with the wrong cat. Isn't it amazing how pets have this sixth sense about when it's safe to sit in a carrier, and are gone whenever you want to put them in one?

After the vet visit (which went well - little Munni got her jabs, and her blood pressure has much improved since the last visit) - I gave Rani the bag back. Two hours later, she's still sitting in there. 

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