I want to go home!

Long long day.
Took Charlotte to docs this morning for some hay fever medicine. Doctor did usual checks and commented on her having a slight temperature.
Took tired grizzly girl home and put her back to bed.
She woke just before lunch, had some medicine, got herself into such a state that she sicked it back up. Scared me then by coming up in a red angry blotchy rash that went as quickly as it came.
Typically, I was working the afternoon, so after call to lee and reassurance from grandma who was baby sitting I went to work. Spoke to lee at 3:30 who said she was burning up. Calpol given. By the time I got home she was obviously poorly so rang the doctors who said bring her straight down. Took her.
Doctor attempted to examine her but she was verging on hysterical at times. The final straw was the wooden stick in her mouth! Threw up over me, doctor, floor! Narrowly missing herself!
Doctor advised us to take her to Worcester royal as her temperature was 40.5.
Arrived and then we were seen by a string of nurses, student nurses registrars and doctors. Eventually let home at 11pm with open access to paeds for the weekend and instructions on how to use urine collection bags.
She slept as soon as we were home, waking briefly at midnight and has just woken up

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