
I went back to Angels Beach today, trying to take a better photo of Austromyrtis dulcis than I was able to get a few days earlier. A friend had noticed it flowering alongside the walking track and thought I'd be interested. 

It has common names of Midgen and Midyim Berry, continuing the old indigenous names. The botanical genus name translates as 'Southern Myrtle', placing it in the Myrtaceae family of plants. Which is just a little unnecessary, since almost all plants in this family come from the southern hemisphere (ie gum trees, bottle brushes, tea trees). 

Several authors comment on the edible quality of these berries, including this website which has a recipe!

One colonial writer who liked the taste was Quaker missionary James Backhouse, who described the berries as 'the most agreeable native fruit I have tasted' (quoted by Tim Low in Wild Foods Plants Australia - I'm indebted to blipper Vince193 for bringing Backhouse to my attention recently).

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