where'd he go?
Rufus chased his first squirrel today - no contest of course as the squirrel was off and up the tree in a flash. Rufus sat staring and waiting. And waiting. Then waited some more. What he didn't realize was that said squirrel had leapt into the adjacent tree and scampered off into the hedgerow. I waited for Rufus to come away. And I waited. Then I waited some more. After a few minutes that included a conversation about it with a most amused passer by, and not least due to the bitter cold, I turned and walked away assuming incorrectly that Rufus would follow. I walked the entire length of the green and called him three times before he eventually gave up his vigil and ran to me.
Other that walking the dog, it was an at home day not least because Evri were supposed to call and collect an Amazon returns parcel (they didn't so another call to Amazon customer services was necessary). Bro was here as well, as together we accomplished various around the house tasks including him taking all the junk from the garage to the council tip (see yesterday) and putting all the Christmas decs in the loft. He lasted until not long after dinner when, having dozed off twice in the arm chair, woke up and went home!
Worthy of mention has to be Mother Nature's fairly feeble attempt at snow which happened on and off all day - mostly tiny flakes dancing in the air, but enough to make a dusting on the lawn.
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