Horsey set

Antibiotics are a godsend. Maybe one of the Wise Men was carrying them for human consumption that fateful day 2,023 days ago, as they would seem to have more practical application than myrrh. Yet when I then looked up a dictionary definition of myrrh, apparently ‘it contains chemicals that might reduce pain and kill bacteria.’ Those Wise Men were clearly light years ahead of their time in understanding the frailties of the human race.

I’ve been wearing contact lenses for well over twenty years and I’ve never had an eye infection like this. So I guess I’m overdue, especially after some dubious contact lens hygiene practices and dirty fingers in random locations over the years.

I stumbled along the beach for coffee and breakfast as Last Christmas blared out of a bar. And I spoke to the family and heard about Georgia’s reaction to the present I ordered for her: a ‘horsey set’ so she can play with a plastic horse, saddle, bridle and all the accoutrements.

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