About As Exciting……!!

As it gets today …a new thermometer!!
Was in bad pain all night and still this morning so I’ve been to the doctor…
As I feared possible diverticulitis but hopefully not …only a very bad IBS attack….didnt send me to hospital but I’ve been told to go if I worsen.
Thermometer is to keep a check on my temperature at home …haven’t had one in the house for years so had to buy a new one….my temperature is fine thankfully and he’s started me on a strong course of antibiotics.

Nothing for it ..rest up …drink loads and hope for the best.
The weather is pretty cold and miserable here so curled up in the bed is not a bad place to be..
However,  we had another outing planned with my daughter ..so I’m disappointed about that..
I’ll see how I am tomorrow..

And thank you ..I appreciate all your kind thoughts and comments..
A xxx

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