Smells Like Corpse Flower

It's finally bloomed!!! I've been waiting a week for this thing to bloom. Which is a relatively short time because it supposedly is supposed to bloom every seven years or so. I'm a lucky girl to have been around to see it.

It's also supposed to smell like decaying corpses. The smell was bad. I noticed as soon as I got out of the car. Only got worse when you got next to it. I've never smelled a decaying corpse so I have no way of comparing it. It wasn't as bad as I expected though.

I wish they would have let me climb up and take a picture from above. It's beautiful and purple on the inside. My mother actually had a better view than I did. She was watching the live video feed online and could see both my pretty face and the corpse flower.

I was also interviewed by a newsman when I was there today (again). I'll be on the lookout for that on the interwebs.

Until next time you stinky stinky plant...

"What I want is so simple I almost can't say it: elementary kindness."
-Barbara Kingsolver

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