How Do We Live In This Broken World?

It was a bright cold morning as we gathered on this first Sunday of 2024  to worship and praise God for all that He has blessed us with in the past and all that He has planned to bless us with in this new year.  We started our service by lifting our hearts and voices in a song of congregational worship.  After Daniel did the welcome, he lead the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists in a glorious anthem that has  become one of my favorites, "Behold Our God".  After a few more congregational songs, Pastor Wes took us to Psalm 22 to give us instruction on how to deal with those days when God seems to us to be distant, silent and even disinterested in what is happening to our world and us as individuals.  We are not told what experience prompted this particular psalm, but we can take note of what David did and apply it to our own difficult times.  We can cry out to God, we can cry out to Him on the basis of a personal relationship and we can cry out from a real faith and be honest with God about the confusion of knowing that God is sovereign and nothing comes to us that He does not allow when we can't see what He is doing or where He might be taking us.  And we cry out desperately.  Not only do we cry out to God, we trust.  We trust God to be holy.  He is not a cosmic vending machine or a kindly grandfather handing out treats and toys.  He is working in our lives to make us more like Jesus.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about how we live in a broken world which you can see on the Live-stream and it would be well worth your time.  Don't give up on God-----He will never give up on you!

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