Right Time, Right Place

I started keeping a daily photo journal on January 1, 2010, well before I ever knew of Blipfoto. I was just hoping to keep my photo skills alive. My first Blip entry was on 1/1/11, an easy to remember number if I ever heard one. I signed up because I heard it was a site “just for photographers.”  And now I’ve got 14 years under my belt of doing this every day. I can’t quite believe I’ve managed to make it happen, but here we are. I’ve ended up with a daily practice, something that grounds me and gives me much satisfaction. I’ve made unexpected friends, gotten lots of inspiration, developed new skills, followed bread crumbs left by folks from all over the world and learned about different lives and environments. We have a very special community here, and I’m so glad to be a part of it.

A big shout-out to the folks behind the curtain who keep this wonderful site going—you are much appreciated. Thank you.

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