Half the kitchen will be pulled down next week. The builders will put a temporary wall up where the washing machine is. We were already a bit cramped, now it will be more so! Unfortunately this half of the kitchen also houses the boiler so it won't be supplying us with hot water or heating anymore. Obviously this coincides with the latest cold snap. Fortunately Billygoat and the Guv have been up and fitted an electric boiler thingy which will heat enough water for a quick shower and to do the washing up and we've collected some electric heaters. We have had to lose the horrible range cooker so now just have a two ring hob, our new air fryer (thank you A&K) and a slow cooker and microwave. It will all be worth it 

Mum continues to decline in hospital. As BG and the Guv were able to look after the kids for the day, Mike came with me. It's a 4.5/5 HR round trip and with all the worry I've not been sleeping so I was so thankful to have him to drive me. Whilst there I got a text from K to say she has COVID and can't work. The timing couldn't be worse. 

Just really need Mum to turn the corner. She is so up and down. But the ups are less up and the downs are more down it seems. It's not been possible to speak to a doctor today. So we are a little in the dark. I feel guilty I can't visit every day. The nursing staff are rushed off their feet. Mum is bed bound but when I arrived her tray table with her drinks on was left out of reach and her call button was on the floor behind the bed. She's not eating and I'm not convinced she is drinking enough. Only when we are there to remind her. The first time I visited her she was begging to go home. She didn't today. I'm worried she is giving up and her body is shutting down. It just feels too sudden and too soon. 

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