
I have had an energy deficit today after all yesterday's activity, as well as a real aversion to being out in the cold. 

The good news is my troublesome tendon has survived Parkrun yesterday, and may even be a bit better. Strange thing, the human body, especially an old one. 

While I was at the football yesterday I got a text update from my school friend in Edinburgh, part of which explained he has been struck down by a recurrence of the lower back problem which forced his early retirement from work 15 years ago. He is already waiting for knee replacement surgery. 

Another part of his update was about a mutual school friend who had major heart surgery in 2022. He has had some kind of complication following a tetanus booster prompted by a dog bite. His wife has contracted shingles. 

All in all, my occasional tendon pain is no big deal, is it? 

I did get my motivation stoked up to make chilli con carne for dinner - ideal midwinter stuff. While I was waiting for it to reach the "add kidney beans" stage, I sat down to write out a shopping list for tomorrow. 

At that point I remembered I had bought a bottle of cider on my way home from the football, put it in the fridge and (as usual) then forgotten all about it. So there we have it - writing a shopping list, cooking and drinking cider, all at the same time. 

Astonishing, really. 

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