That Way To The Sunset

I went for a walk to the lakes this afternoon, first time for a while. I took my big lens hoping for an egret shot. I did get some but it was too far away really to be good enough to post. I need a (much) bigger lens. I did get a duck (extra).

I'd left it quite late so came home as the sun was setting. I got a few sunset shots, this was the one I liked best. 

In other news mrsfb has been updating her Christmas diary. She does one each year. There are books in the loft for each year from 1985! It details what presents we gave/received, who came, what we did, what meals we had, and, most importantly, how the turkey was cooked. This year though she seems to be mainly compiling it from the notes in my blips!

We also had a Skype with daughter#2. She told us all about her Sound Of Music tour, which she loved. One of her pics is in the extras.

One year ago:
Song For The Asking

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