WHITEOUT! Walking in a Snowstorm, I and II

And then it snowed. And it snowed and it snowed and it snowed. By the time it was done, we had maybe six to eight inches. Then it freezing rained and sleeted a little on top, which smooshed it down a bit and made it heavier for shoveling. (Oh goodie.)

I myself, not unlike Thoreau, have become a (gleeful!) self-appointed inspector of snowstorms. So around the middle of the heaviest part of the snow, I put on my boots and my coat and my gloves, grabbed my camera and my umbrella, and set off on a photographic adventure.

I didn't go far, so here are two pictures from around our neighborhood. Actually, the shot above is from our very own woods. (Yes, I own woods! A whole acre of land!) I liked how bright and white and shadowy it seemed; snow always transforms things. 

The second shot is a view of the road that runs by our house along the bad corner. You can't even SEE the road! So good luck with that, if you are out driving in it!  Anyway, I'm indoors under a soft blankie sipping hot tea right now with my feet up. Ahhhh!  And this is what it looks like to walk in snow.

I have two photos, and so here are two winter favorites: One is Procol Harum, with Whiter Shade of Pale. Second is U2, with White as Snow.

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