
Similar type of day to yesterday, the sun was out again and it was frosty.  Inversions were also prominent.  This is a photo of Langdale Pikes looking magnificent.  You may remember I took photos of this valley including Blea Tarn, but thought I had copied them to a folder.  Well I didn't so I thought about repeating the shots.  All was well until I started to climb-slippery.  Managing to get to a wider piece of road, with a pile of rock salt, I turned around, spread the rock salt  and descended.  Two walkers passed me while I was rubbing rock salt on my tyres and they were slipping on the frosted road and grass.  Anyway I got the Pikes and one or two more photos of the area, before stopping and admiring the views.  Just for my Swedish friends the temperatures ranged from 0 to -3.  They'll be thinking that is warm!

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