I didn't walk up the hill until afternoon, by which time the light was gloomy and low, so the photos were not up to much; but fortunately J had continued work with her PA S on her second snowy landscape watercolour, and asked me to take photos for her to post on Facebook, so instead of dark trees and cloudy skies you have sheep huddling in a snowy field beneath a somewhat stormy sky. S supports her hand over hand to grip the brush, enabling her to direct it and use different types of brush stroke; and they have watched more video tutorials about painting sun on snow. She's pleased with it, and it will be a good contribution to next year's calendar.
Before lunch, I spent a bit of time outside: I've resolved to try to do a bit more clearing up whenever times I can manage coincide with good enough weather. After emptying a full barrow of rain water, all of which had fallen in the previous twenty four hours, I cleared last summer's sunflower tubs, ready to re-use them for the tulip bulbs and pansies I was supposed to plant in November.
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