Not the usual

We were up and ready for parkrun as usual and even had the kids waiting for the off, but then, Edinburgh cancelled because of ice. Change of plan - we’ll go to Holyrood again, but just as we were about to go out the door, I checked and Holyrood had just cancelled too, due to slippery conditions. Oh well, since we already had all the running gear on, I took the kids to the park and encouraged a bit of a jog. It did mean we caught the sun coming up which was nice and we had a very pleasant jog/walk round the junior parkrun course (mostly), finishing off with a session of throwing sticks into the pond and breaking the thin ice. Main shows the sun appearing, and the extra is the kids, leisurely wandering in front of me.

In the meantime, Chris went off to Waitrose and got us some tasty breakfast food.

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