Pink Sky at Night

I am trying to be bolder in pruning the roses this year. I figure if I can spend an hour or so a day at it, I’ll be able to work my way around the yard in time for spring. First you have to do some amount of weeding just to be able to get to the rose itself, then there’s the debate over each cut, then there’s second-guessing yourself and going back over it all again, so it takes time. There’s a lot of dead wood on the plants this year, some of it pretty thick; I’m not sure what that means, but it’s all gotta come off. So it takes time, and I need a snack, and then I wander away if something catches my eye. If I hired someone they would probably get it all done in an afternoon, but then I’d have to travel along behind them and fix everything, so it’s better this way. Plus I really like being outside on a beautiful day.

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