Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

More things ticked off

JR took Archie to the vet's this morning at 8am, then went on to her gym class. I walked round to the Post Office in Morningside to get stamps, ready for Hazel to post the calendars when they eventually come. What a saga! And Jersey, of course, isn't in the UK, and so that one needs a Customs Declaration form. The woman kindly gave me one to fill in beforehand. Hazel will post them for me when they come…

From there I walked down to a cafe that I haven't been in for a while. And had a nice warm scone and flat white, before walking on down to the hardware shop to get some mouse bait. I got a really good one, in a secure box, but the mouse can get in and poison itself, and yes, I'm sorry, but it goes away and dies somewhere else.

In the afternoon, I fiddled about with my suitcase contents, making adjustments and finalising my ideal capsule wardrobe. JR went to get her nails done, in order to look classy while holding the champagne flute in Business Class...

We picked poor wee Archie up about 5pm. He feels very sorry for himself. He's on medicine and soft food for a few days. Derek will have to deal with his recovery. And take him back next week for his check up. We feel so bad leaving him like this, but it can't be helped. Besides, we both have every confidence in Derek and Angela - he's been with them a couple of times before.

Three more sleeps!

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