Bridge Over Troubled Waters..
It's stopped raining around here and the flood waters are starting to recede slowly. I thought I'd take a photograph of the two old bridges that cross the River Wye in our area of Ross on Wye, Herefordshire (England) UK.
The main shows Wilton Bridge (1599AD) which runs from Ross on Wye town centre to the A40 dual carriageway which can be seen towards the top of the photo' with a red vehicle crossing that bridge. It's pretty flooded underneath that as the river runs underneath. To the right you can see the football pitches are under water!
Kerne Bridge (1828AD) is the other bridge, in our village of Goodrich, that crosses the river Wye towards either Ross on Wye or Gloucestershire. That was closed due to flooding but now re-opened. (see extra)
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