Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Iced coffee and a magazine.

All week I've been comuting between my flat and my sister's - staying overnight there with the cat then letting him out in the morning and coming back home to beaver away and try and get myself ready for my stall on Saturday. It's all been too much to be honest, I'm beyond exhausted and had I realised how terrible I'd be feeling just now I'd never have taken on the stall.

However today I got a bit of a break :) I packed most of the stall stuff up last night ready to just be lifted tomorrow and Mary came up to Polworth this morning to help me get the Menace in his box. I can't express how thankful I was that she did, it was so much easier with 2! It's been a nightmare having to get him in his box and move him, hugely stressful for both of us and totally exhausting on my part. But with Mary there as soon as he wriggled off up and over my shoulder she just lifted the box up behind me and scooped him in! Then carried him down to the car and drove us back here taking quieter roads and skirting round town, and he was quite happy! He didn't cry the whole way or jump about in the box trying to escape (unlike the bid for freedom he made on tuesday when I took him up - he actually escaped! thank god he was so stunned himself that I managed to hustle him in the door before he ran away!) arrived totally chilled out and went to sleep. Blissful.

I finally relaxed a bit and took myself off for an iced coffee, cheese toastie and a read of my magazine at Coffee Angel. :)

I've had no choice but to just keep going recently but to a certain extent I bring it on myself and it's had a really negative impact on my health both physically and mentally. I feel like I'm reaching a breaking point. So, moral of the story is to put myself first, say no to things without getting myself all tied in knots about disappointing people, be more aware of my limits and not push against them and do things that are good for me rather than making things worse.

Like a New Year's Resolution, 'cept in June ;)

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