Back To The Beach

2024 is upon us, there has been little change in the weather, the rain seems to have been with us continually. Watching the news and seeing the devastation across parts of the country makes me appreciate that although we only live half a mile from the sea in three directions our front doorstep is around a metre above the top of King Charles The Martyr Church bell tower.
If our road floods it means Falmouth is already under water.
The weather hasn’t deterred a few hardy souls from swimming and surfing at Gyllyngvase but there seems to be fewer dogs out walking.

Sam is hungover and I am yet to fully recover from Saturdays night out, oh to be young again!
Mrs S is enjoying a day off and we have spent some time discussing work on the house over the coming weeks.
We both cast an eye over the Christmas decorations, not quite time to take them down but soon.

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