Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Picture in Picture

Strider likes his home made ploughman’s lunch. The food deserved a close-up and his eager anticipation deserved a long shot so I’ve tried to combine the two.

Life with one thumb is proving tricky but I muddled through today. Went for a long butty and coffee session with Stephen F who found me through blip nearly thirty years after we first met. He was charming then and he remains so to this day (long story). 

Felt a bit achy after my falling over session yesterday so didn’t go crazy. Plus we got weather big time today as it turned cold and wet. 

No good news at the moment. As I predicted Rishi Sunak is proving slippery about the timing of the election and now saying it won’t be in the spring. But he is a man of his word and you can’t believe a word he says, so …

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