Lone Pansy

Standing guard in the rain on the doorstep!

Beautiful sunshine this morning then really dreich and dark after lunch (and of course I didn't take any pictures this morning!!).  So the pansy to the rescue!

I did take some shots of Charlie on the windowsill in my office (she loves to come in here now, where she never used to when I was working :)) but they were rubbish pictures - see extra, and mostly deleted!

A busy morning applying for jobs - but searching websites this afternoon there didn't seem to be any I hadn't already applied for at my level :(  So I'm applying above my level.  I've just started another application for a Reading University job.  How wonderful that my original application for a different role is saved, and I just have to rewrite the reasons I want the position :)

Off out shortly to my Slimming World group.  A new year (sure to have put on weight after Christmas break)

And this evening I've decided I'm not going to be online as my eyes are beginning to not cope with all this additional screen work :(

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