Cactus Repaired

An early start to visit Arnold Clark in Perth to resolve the excess road noise which had developed in our Citröen Cactus.

The noise was caused by the rear wheel bearings which were replaced. While the work was being carried out, we sat in the showroom being supplied with coffee and biscuits.

It did take some time and I managed to complete reading a book on Kindle. That makes two books so far, the other one being an audio book.

Our journey to Perth was along the North bank of the Tay over the repaired road bridge. We returned via the south bank through The Kingdom of Fife.

The amount of water logged fields is enormous. I have never so much damage before.

Today’s Entry shows the very shiny Cactus as returned to us.
The thumbnail is of Pat’s hand holding her phone and having a conversation with a close friend, whose father, also a friend had recently died. The circumstances were quite traumatic and Pat was very supportive through the 75 minute conversation which lasted through our journey home and was completed in our kitchen.

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