Swarming up a dying sapling
I am presuming that it is either dying or already dead. The sapling has no leaves, and few branches, out of sight higher up the sapling. None of the many apparently discrete fern-like plants has attempted to grow up the much older tree with heavy bark.
S invited a fellow poet (one of the other Isthmus Poets) and his partner to visit this morning. S had prepared an excellent morning tea with cheese scones, Christmas Fruit Cake and a very more-ish slice. Lovely relaxing visit and good conversation. No need for lunch., and just chilled out reading.
Mid-afternoon, I decided to use the mulcher I bought some weeks ago, and have not used until today largely because of so much rain. The old one which we had at the beach house was too big and awkward to bring down to Auckland in the car. Therefore, I left it for Sandra's brother B if he wanted it. It was very noisy, and actually not very effective.
Her other brother (P) visited us later in the afternoon, and he told me that he had tried to use it and found the same problems I had.
Just as I was setting up the mulcher, I heard and then saw a Tui. Not a wonderful crisp shot but a good start for the year (see extras). A second extra is a young cockerel. These chickens do range free, and I don't know if they have a safe place to roost.
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