Worth a Try

Charged with minding the grandchildren today while Graham took Bec to the cricket, we decided to take them fishing rather than spend the day trying to restrict screen time.
As teenagers are wont to do, Elizabeth opted to go out with her friends instead.
The rest of us set off with fishing gear and a substantial picnic to Lake Lyell, near Lithgow. Mr isbi and I aren’t fisherpersons but I was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon with one eye on the kids and the other on my book.
We found an excellent spot and they had just prepared their rods when it started to rain. We thought it would be a brief shower, but after about an hour patiently waiting we gave up and headed home through an increasingly torrential downpour.
Fortunately I hadn’t spread the food out on the picnic rug so we ended up having it at home at 3pm.

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